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Build Your Easter Basket for Only $10

Easter has always been a fun time of year for me. Besides dressing up and going to church with my family, I loved hunting for Easter Eggs, and finding my basket full of goodies left for me. As I grew older, the egg hunts stopped, and I would have a basket full of goodies waiting for me at the dining table when I was ready for breakfast. It was then, that I knew the baskets were filled by my parents, and they did a great job of finding cool things that I needed or wanted besides candy.

Now, I get to share that with my girls. They are 10 now, and totally understand that I fill the baskets for them. Because of this, I can have a little more fun making up their Easter baskets, and try to find fun things for them. Walmart makes it easy with their huge selection of Easter Goodies at such great prices! I filled a basket for about $10, and you can too!

I have baskets for my girls that they have used since they were very little, and we continue this every year. If you don’t have a basket already, Walmart has a great selection for under $5!

basketsWalking down the aisles, you’ll find a great selection of toy fillers, activity books, lip balm, and so much more!

I filled their baskets for just $10! (Darth was extra, but I couldn’t resist!)


If you have a little extra to spend, check out the rest of what I found!

Now that the girls are older, I can get crafty! They love crafts and science, so these packs would make great extras!

You can even add a new release or an old family favorite for a great movie night!

And of course, Darth Vader, Yoda, and the Storm Troopers want to celebrate too!


If all else fails, and you can’t think of the “perfect” basket fillers, you can grab a basket that’s all ready to go for just $10 too!


All of this and more can be found online at Walmart’s Online Easter Store at your local Walmart store!

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