Smart Shopper, Sponsored Post

Save Money and Time With Foodsaver!

I recently got a chance to use a Foodsaver to see how we could save money just by using the Foodsaver to save our food items. I fell in love with Foodsaver all over again.

I had an older model counter top Foodsaver from several years ago. We used it.. a lot. We hadn’t had the chance to use it in our new home, but I loved being able to freeze foods for later and not worry about freezer burn. I was excited to get this newer model and give it a run!

I shop at Sam’s Club a lot, which means I buy a lot of things like meats and other perishables in bulk. Keeping them in the refrigerator is okay, but things don’t last longer than a few days. Leftovers, for example, go bad after a few days, and if you happened to make a lot, do you really want to eat the same meal 3 days in a row? I prefer to save a little for lunch the next day, and put the rest in a Foodsaver bag and freeze it for another meal!

I love the different sized bags for quick work, as well as the custom bag rolls, that allow me to cut smaller or larger bags as needed. I use the custom rolls for my girls’ sliced apples! Slice up the apples, put a little bit of lemon juice in the bag and use the Foodsaver to seal them up, removing all the air. This helps keep them from browning so quickly!

Now, between leftovers and buying in bulk and freezing things, I was able to really save a lot of money! In two weeks, we saved about $60 off of our regular grocery bill. I think that if I keep this up, we’ll really start shaving a bunch of money off of our bills, and be able to save up for other things we really need!!

Check out the video below to see some more ideas on how I use my Foodsaver to save time and money!


I am a participant in the Walmart Moms program. Walmart provided me with compensation for my time and efforts on this post and video. Participation in this program is voluntary. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.

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