
Take the PetArmor Pledge!

Approximately 73 Million US Households have one or more pets, with dogs and cats accounting for about 3/4 *. Now, at significant savings off the leading brand name product, PerArmor promises better health for all pets. On Wednesday, April 20th, 2011, Mandy Moore and the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to… Read More Take the PetArmor Pledge!


Store Brand Baby Formula Wins a Final Round in Court

So, I just recently heard some really good information I thought I should share. I posted last year about Store Brand Infant Formula Manufacturer, PBM Products Inc taking Mead Johnson to court over false advertisement claims… and winning… Of course, Mead Johnson appealed that verdict. Well, store brand infant formulas won a major victory this… Read More Store Brand Baby Formula Wins a Final Round in Court