Health, Fitness and Beauty

#Mamavation Monday- Sometimes Size Does Matter

** This is a totally family friendly post! 🙂

Well, since getting home from my lovely weekend in sunny Cal-i-for-ni-a… things have been slow here at home. I’m still reducing my caloric intake, and making sure I do more than sit my bootie in front of the computer.

This weekend, we spent more time out than in, and only ate out once. This is a HUGE deal for me. We used to spend most of the weekend out, and just grab food while out and about, but this weekend was different. We made sure that we ate at home more, thus being able to keep track of what we ate. The one time we did go out, I made sure to eat a good mix of what was offered, but only eat a smaller amount, and save the rest for lunch the next day. Don’t get me wrong. A few months ago, I could’ve finished that whole plate no problem, but now, I’m seriously trying to be conscious of what I eat and how much. I haven’t started keeping a food journal just yet. I’ve been using my “Lose it” app on my iPhone, but not religiously. I need to get better at that. We’re going to start using a food scale at home, just to try to keep our portion sizes down. It’s going to be hard at first, but I know that once we do it for a while, it’ll get a lot easier.

Oh, and we’ve done something else that I never really thought of. Instead of using our normal plates, which aren’t even the big ones of the set, we switched to our smaller rectangle plates. Think small plate that sushi would be served on. Yes… it’s a very small plate. But you know what… It’s working. It’s proof to me that my eyes, and brain for that matter, are key to this whole weight loss thing. I eat what’s on my little plate, and I’m full. Seriously. I’m not filling up the big plate, I’m not even filling up the middle plate, but the smallest plate, and I am actually full when I finish. Another hint to what we’re doing… We’re making the main part of any dish our veggies. Yes, 1/2 of the plate is veggies, and the other 1/2 is split between meat, and something else that tastes good, but isn’t the best thing to fill up on.. You know.. the good things, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc. But, again, we’re eating the better options of those too. Red potatoes instead of brown/white, Whole Grain pasta instead of the dreaded Enriched Flour pasta, and brown rice instead of white. Minor changes, but we make them all work…. and it’s work”ing”. I had to put a belt on my blue jeans today. It was bad enough I needed a belt. All I have to say… HECK YEAH!

So, voting is going on now through the 21st… That’s this THURSDAY! Please please, vote for me, once per day (top right hand corner) on… I’m MommyBrain.. in case you couldn’t guess that! The winners will be announced at the #Mamavation twitter party on the 21st!!! Oh how I pray I’m one of them!!!

Thanks everyone! See you later this week!

12 thoughts on “#Mamavation Monday- Sometimes Size Does Matter

  1. I love that you use smaller plates, I think that would really help out with portions, awesome. It’s good to see that you’re also making a conscious effort to eat at home than eating out. That is hard especially for anyone who eats out a lot. If I could I would be eating out all the time but I don’t have that luxury and I have always cooked since being on my own. @curiouschild has mentioned on one of her mmp that she tries to pick veggies with color and not so much on anything white (it’s a good idea I plan to use on my next grocery round) I think you’re doing a great job. Keep it going!!

  2. Good job this week. I use the Loose It app too. It was one of the things that helped me really learn how to regulate my diet and really be conscious of what I was putting into my body. The more you use it the easiser it get and becomes like second nature. I remember thinking, “Wow, I need to keep track like this for the rest of my life.” That was a bit overwhelming, but I’m over it now and learned a lot about portion control during the process.

    Go get em lady.

  3. Small plates really do help. I did that a bunch when I had to cook meals that were not “low fat” and I had to worry about portion control. Yes, back in the day before I discovered “clean” eating, I was eating hamburger helper and losing weight with that by using portion control and reading the portion on the boxes. I know crazy. But doable. We were so broke then, that was all I could do. My dh had a different job then and it was very tight with me staying home. I used the smaller plates all the time so I felt satisfied. And it worked for me. XXOO
    .-= Leah @Bookieboo´s last blog ..Mamavation Mondays =-.

  4. I am an eat out girl, myself, so I know what a big deal that is! Yeah for you! And the small plates are fantastic – my husband does that trick too. I am weird, and like to see an edge around my food, so I can’t do it, but if it is helping, then stick with it! Good luck this week, see you on Thursday!
    .-= LastMinuteMandy´s last blog ..I’d rather be in swimsuit shape! =-.

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