Kid Friendly, Product Reviews, Smart Shopper

Review: Piano for Preschoolers!

As a participant in Parent Reviewers, I get some pretty cool things to try out. Just recently I was given the chance to check out a very cool program called Piano for Preschooler.s It is geared for children ages 3-8 years and comes with some great resources! A color guide to place near the keys, a Parent/Teacher guide book, a song/learning book for the kids, and a CD to play along with that has a person speaking and walking the child through the song, with a metronome keeping time. 

I have always wanted to play the piano, and have never taken any lessons, so teaching my girls how to play piano was just going to be an impossible feat, but, I was very hopeful that Piano for Preschoolers could change that for me! I didn’t know if my 3 (almost 4) year old girls would be interested or even ready to take on piano lessons. 

Unfortunately, my keyboard was a little too oddly shaped for the color guide, so I actually just took some tape and construction paper and placed them on the keys so my girls could match  up the color with the note in the song book. It worked! We tried several variation of lessons. Trying just the book alone, then adding in the CD to see if that helped. I like the CD because it actually verbalizes the letters for the keys rather than just looking at the keys and trying to memorize the letter that corresponds with the keys. They were very slow at first, but they tried so hard to figure everything out. I have to admit, I was very proud of them for sticking with it! 

Of course, both of my girls love music, and really seem to want to play a piano. They play on the little piano game I have on my iPhone and love it. They also grab the karaoke system and belt out the ABC’s or whatever song they recognize. I’m all about them being artistic, and this is just one more step towards learning music. 

We worked on the lessons for a few minutes about every other day. Now my little Mozart wanna be’s are loving it! The first song they played was amazing. Their faces just lit up and their smiles were so huge! Now we all can’t wait until we can go through the lessons all over again!

If you’re interested in checking out Piano for Preschoolers, check out their site. I also recommend checking out their reasons why children should learn piano! You might find some really interesting information there! I’m actually thinking about going though the lessons by myself! Who knows, I might finally learn how to play piano!!

1 thought on “Review: Piano for Preschoolers!

  1. My son loves music. I love this. I think it is so important. Thanks for the review. My son showed an interest so I jumped online and downloaded this fantastic guide and it had him playing in a couple hours – not mozart but you know – it was great for him. He loved it. Anyway, I’ll leave it here incase anyone is interested…“Learn the Piano More Quickly” by Sebastian Mitchell and I found it on this site:

    Nice idea with on the color guide work around – mom’s – we have to be so creative. Thanks!

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