Exciting News!

My New Year's Resolution

I debated posting this here or on my personal blog, but I figured, I’d be held more accountable here 🙂

2009 is going to bring about some changes for me. I hope some big changes. I’m determined to lose at least 60 pounds this year. I’d love to lose more, but I’m trying to be semi-realistic. I’m going to try to do this the old fashioned way, diet, exercise, and whatever else it takes. Let’s face it, a tummy tuck would be nice, but it wouldn’t change my lifestyle much. I want to learn what’s going to keep me healthy, and prevent me from gaining weight all over again. 

Growing up, I was pretty active. I took my Phys Ed classes seriously, and had Tae Kwon Do as an after school activity. I went 3 times a week, at least, and over the years, got my 2nd degree black belt. Yes, I could kick just about anyone’s bootie :). I worked, all in places that did not require me to sit down all day, Lifeguard, Laser Tag Marshall, Retail Stores, etc. I went to the gym every day after work. I did a lot to stay healthy. 

Once I got married, and moved away, I also got into a routine of not so good habits. I stayed at home for a bit, took on jobs that were behind a desk, and forgot all about going to the gym. Well, I didn’t forget, but I sure made lots of excuses to explain away why I didn’t go. It was bad. After 4 years of marriage, I had gained around 30lbs. Then we moved over seas. 3 more  years of working behind a desk, sporadic visits to the gym, and lots of yummy Japanese food. Another 20lbs gained. Next was moving home, pregnancy with twins, and another 30lbs gained. I’m more overweight than I ever wanted to be. It doesn’t show too bad in photos, because I’m good at hiding behind things, or people,  but I see it. I know it. I know that I’m not living the best way I can, and I need to change things, not just for my sake, but for my children. I want to be around when they’re older, and I want to teach them how to live a more healthy life. 

Anyway, I’m going to track my progress on here with a monthly post. I’ll let you know what I do, what works for me, and what doesn’t. If anyone has any advice, suggestions, encouragement.. or even if you’d like me to review any exercise or weight loss products, by all means, please contact me and follow me through my journey over the next year. Thanks everyone!

PS. There will actually be a couple of other moms that I know of that will be sharing their weight loss journey this year as well. With their permission, I’ll add their links to this post later.

7 thoughts on “My New Year's Resolution

  1. My husband and I are going to do the same thing. We’ve done it for so many years. But instead of saying that we are going to “lose weight” as our “resolution,” we are going to say our resolution is to eat healthier and be healthier. Hopefully getting the “diet” word out of our plan will be easier — I hope!

  2. You go girly! I am trying to be healthier this year as well and will encourage you as much as I can. I am hoping to not slack as much as I did last year in the work out department. It’s so easy to get busy and put it at the bottom of the list. Yet we all know that we would be happier more energetic mommies if we would make it more of a priority. Here’s to us!!!

  3. I actually wrote a post at my blog last night about a new me in 2009, which definitely includes losing about 30 pounds. So I will report back on my blog on my progress, and check back with you too! Good luck and I know we can do it!!

    Lizs last blog post..New Year, New Me

  4. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  5. Found you through Twitter… Happy Birthday!!

    Last year, another mom convinced me to go to an aerobic kick boxing class with her. I’d never taken a gym class before. I’m hooked. Going three times a week with another mom — she inspires me — is what really helps. Plus, we get to chat for 5 minutes after class before we pick up the kids… Best of luck to you!

    single mom seekings last blog post..A little hope?

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