Kid Friendly, Product Reviews, Sponsored Post

Buzzle Ball- A Whole New Way to Puzzle

I love puzzles… I loved the Rubik’s Cube as a kid, and I have always loved the wooden puzzles that you find in different toy stores. My grandpa used to have all kinds of puzzles around their house, and I’d always pick them up and try them out. Sometimes I solved them quickly, and other times, it took me some time. Eventually, once I figured out the trick, and there’s always a trick, I was able to get a little bit quicker.

The Buzzle Ball is  actually quite a bit of fun. We had to move everything around when we first got it to loosen it up a little, but once we got it going.. it was ON!

The ball seems well constructed, and unlike other puzzles, there are no stickers to take off to cheat. HA!  You just have to make sure all the pieces are lined up correctly and evenly so that everything turns and slides freely.

mixed up
This is what we started with… I started by twisting and turning a few sides, and handed it over to the girls. They each took a turn, and it seemed to get more mixed up. Hubby took a turn, and couldn’t get it solved quickly. I tried it and had to put it down to cook dinner. HA! We will get this..

working on it

After several tries,  between the four of us, we got close… Just.One.More.Twist.


The Buzzle Ball is good for providing several minutes of puzzle solving goodness for those that have the time to sit and study it… but for those of us that pick it up and work on it for a little bit and then have to put it down to do something, it can provide hours of a mental workout. It’s going to be fun to keep it out on the counter and see who can solve it the fastest, or see what happens when friends come over.  I may just take a poll on who picks it up and who can solve it the fastest… This is going to be fun!

Do you have any puzzles that you liked as a kid? How about now?

The Buzzle Ball is available now in Walmart Stores nationwide, and at only $19.97 the Buzzle Ball would make a great gift!

Check out the video to learn more!



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