Press Releases, Sponsored Post

Walmart is Investing in Jobs in the USA!

So many times, I hear in the media, complaints that so many things that you find in stores is made in countries other than USA… Well, things are changing. A popular misconception about Walmart is where the majority of the products on our shelves are sourced. Actually, according to their suppliers, items that are made here, sourced here, or grown here account for about two-thirds of what they spend to buy products at Walmart U.S. They have committed to continue to do more. Walmart has made a huge commitment to invest in American jobs. Over the next 10 years, Walmart is investing $250 billion in products that support American Jobs. How AWESOME is that!?!?!


We typically look for products that are made in the USA when we shop. We know that sometimes, it’s difficult to find some products, but when it is possible, we buy the products that are made int he USA, even if it costs a little bit more. We also believe in supporting our local economy. If we can find products that are made in North Carolina, even better!

You can browse over 1,000 products that support American jobs that we already sell online at

Want to learn more? Check out for more information about Walmart’s Commitment!

Walmart has some of the best products at Everyday Low Prices, but they also know there are some great, undiscovered products that have not yet reached their shelves. If you have a product that you think would be a perfect in their stores you can find out more about becoming a supplier at: They look at every submission! I’ve seen some great products make it on to their shelves!






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