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Giveaway- Your Laundry Regimen!

**This giveaway is now closed. Comments left open in case you want to discuss your laundry regimen!**

Completethecycle_Logo_For Use On BlogsWho hates laundry??? *raising hands* Yes… I do.. Well, I guess I don’t hate laundry. I don’t mind sorting, washing and drying it. I just hate having to fold it all and put it away. If I could invent a machine that would fold laundry and put it away for me, I would. But, I can’t… That’s why I had children… Ok, I’m really kidding about that last part… Seriously.

So, my laundry regimen is pretty boring. See pile of clothes, on the closet floor, next to the hamper. Sort out the clothes according to: whites, colors, Daddy’s work clothes, towels/sheets. Proceed to push the hamper(s) down the hall to the laundry room. Toss the first load in to the washer. Add detergent, fabric softener, and set the cycle. Push play :). Approximately 50 minutes later, put clean clothes into dryer, set that to run, and load the next set of clothes into the washer. Oh, and yes… I do pretreat the stains on the girls’ clothes. How could I not? After years of experience, I have pretty much developed a routine that works for our clothing.

I, along with several other bloggers, recently worked with Collective Bias and Clorox to develop the Complete the Cycle – Laundry Regimen Guide. We were given a gift card to purchase the laundry products that we normally use, and write about our laundry regimen from start to finish. They gathered information about all of our routines and heard our complaints about stains, and there was one thing that we all had in common. Using a complete regimen of steps and products in our laundry routine is the best way to get great results every time. Based on the information we gave them, the Complete the Cycle – Laundry Regimen Guide was created. Just click on the link to check it out and tell me what you think! Do you agree? Disagree? What works for you?

I’ll be giving away FIVE laundry regimen kits, thanks to Clorox & Collective Bias! These kits are pretty awesome!

They’ll contain some awesome products!

  • A laminated copy of the Complete the Cycle Laundry Regimen Guide
  • 50 oz bottle of Gain Laundry Detergent
  • 34 oz bottle of Downy Ultra
  • 22 oz bottle of Clorox 2 Ultra
  • A Clorox Bleach Pen
  • Coupon for 1 Free bottle of Clorox Bleach
  • A Flip Fold– Ultimate Folding Tool
  • All wrapped up and presented in a super cute laundry basket!

All you need to do is tell me your laundry regimen! Be creative! Flickr, Whrrl or Vlog your laundry routine! Nothing fancy, just tell me about your love/hate relationship with laundry! If you’d rather just type, you can do that as well either as a comment here or as a blog post on your own blog! Make sure you tag your submissions with #completecycle! Leave me a comment with a link to your entry!

You may gain additional entries by doing either or all of the following (You MUST complete the above action before the following will be counted!):

*  Subscribe to Mommy Brain Reports via RSS or Email and leave me a comment telling me you did so! If you already do, leave me a comment!

* Follow me on Twitter and tweet this contest! Leave  me a comment telling me you did!

Enter to win a Complete Laundry Regimen kit from Clorox & @MommyBrain! Check it out! #completecycle

You may enter as many times as you wish, but you must leave a comment each time for it to count.

Entries will be accepted from August 17th- August 26th @ 12pm EST. Winner will be chosen at random. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond to claim their prize. Winner must be a resident of the USA. Again, you must leave a comment for each option you choose to enter. *Rules subject to change without notice*

Good Luck!

49 thoughts on “Giveaway- Your Laundry Regimen!

  1. My laundry regimine includes visiting the bedrooms to sort clothes then start with the biggest load and pretreat then wash, dry and sort again to return items to their respective owners. 🙂 Upon return of clothing to the respective owners I notice that the dirty laundry has multiplied while the I was away so I repeat. This is a never ending cycle at my house!

  2. Lord do I need help with laundry. Hubby drives a truck and gets really greasy everyday (not sure how but the more he tries to stay clean the worse it is.) His uniforms are stained to the max (embarrassing to me him wearing them to work.)

    All of our laundry gets thrown down the basement steps on laundry day (because I keep tripping down the step carrying basket) (yes I’m a clutz) anyhow, then sorted in laundry room. Hubby’s work pants, work shirts, work undershirts (he wonders why he is hot during the day) socks I usually put in with the towels unless they need bleaching.

    Goodness, I am tired already and don’t have to start on laundry till Friday. His work shirts I use “Mean Green” to help with the grease it does ok but need something better. Everything else gets pre-treated by load and then finally goes into washer for the so-called almost an hour wait time. Then on to the dryer.

    I always use laundry soap but lately it is varrying on which one. Been trying to find one that cleans good and with prices going up on everything need to think about that one too. After the detergent add the fabric softener (Mmm just wanna curl up with the bottle sometimes and just sniff it) and bleach as needed.

    Yea! the washing step is done. Now to drying. New dryer (well a year old) and it weird I want my old one back. Dry everything then put in basket to carry up the stairs (being careful not to trip UP the stairs; ok yes I have but shhhh) and go to living room and fold for life while watching TV.

    OK, I admit I am not so good at putting them away but hey they are fold and hung up nice and neat. I get a little credit, right maybe just a smidgen.
    .-= Tonoogle (Tonya)´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  3. This would be so helpful when it comes to trying to wash the hubby’s stained shirts. Nothing seems to get the oil/grease out completely, but this may just be it!

  4. Here’s my regime:

    1) Enter bathroom and open towel drawer.
    2) Discover one lone washcloth in drawer, no clean towels.
    3) Forage children’s bedrooms for wet, stinky towels in laundry hampers.
    4) Gather clothing in arms, no available laundry baskets on ground level.
    5) Traipse downstairs with laundry, clothing spilling out of arms along the way…pickup later.
    6) Stuff armload of clothes in washer.
    7) Add soap
    8) Add fabric softener to crusty, sticky dispenser, make note to clean that “someday”.
    9) Start washing machine.
    10) Return an hour later and transfer load to dryer.

    At some point I may return and put them in a laundry basket and fold them. Most likely, they will live in the laundry basket in a corner in the dining room since I never seem to find time to actually fold the clean clothes.
    .-= shel´s last blog ..Sweet Swag Grab Bag =-.

  5. I go to each bedroom in search of dirty clothes, I am always finding a sock or 2 under a dresser, on a chair, whatever, and then I sort all of the laundry by whites, colors, and heavy itwms like towels and jeans.
    Whites go first with laundry detergent and bleach, then colors in the next load, then heavies in the last load.
    Everything is washed in cold to save on energy, and dried on low heat, then folded and put away.
    The only part of doing the laundry that I really, truly hate, is sorting and folding the socks.
    Oftentimes I don’t sort and fold them. I have a basket that is nothing but clean socks, and we all just find our socks everyday.
    I know, terrible, but doing the socks is enough to drive me absolutely insane.
    .-= Kat´s last blog ..Dove Body Wash with NutriumMoisture =-.

  6. My routine, I wash just my clothes normally every week or so and only the colors (whites are done by mom for our whole family)
    First grab any clothes lying on my floor and take them to the laundry room.
    Next start the washing machine
    Check pants pockets for stuff and pretreat stains
    Separate double layer outfits and start putting clothes into the washing machine.
    Put detergent and fabric softener or a Tide stain remover that works with your detergent.
    Close the lid and come back normally in an hour or so or when I remember or get reminded
    Put clothes in the dryer, minus camis or 100 percent cotton shirts that tend to shrink.
    Put a dryer “non static” cloth in and remove lint from lint catcher.
    Start dryer and come back when clothes are done.
    Put in a laundry basket that unfortunately doesn’t normally get put away right away.
    So eventually I go through and put away my clothes.
    First I do all my pants and fold those up and put in my drawers.
    Then I do all my shirts which I hang up in my closet.
    Pretty simple but yet time consuming

  7. My laundry regimen is nothing fancy.I bring my hamper to the washer/dryer area by the kitchen and I make two piles – whites and colors. I also tell the kids to bring their hampers and to separate the colors (at 10 & 12, they know) and put it on the floor in different piles. I don’t check any pockets (maybe I’m too lazy,LOL); they know when they take it off, to check it. if they don’t, oh well. I wash all colors first, then towels & blankets/sheets and then I wash whites last. The reason I wash whites last is because sometimes I’m all “laundried out” and I leave it in the dryer overnite..LOL

    See, not much of a regimen but it works for me.
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Sunday Funnies | Evian Water =-.

  8. I finally got baskets for each of my kids and put them on shelves in the laundry room. I no longer have a laundry monster on my couch, my table or on my bed!! I throw their clothes in their baskets and they fold them and put them away. Voila!!

  9. My routine is no-routine. I need help! I do laundry when I’ve run out of clothes. It’s a sad, sad situation. Save me from mountains of dirty, (peee-u) laundry.

  10. I am afraind I pretty much do laundry of a schedule (My grandmothers influence). for example I change sheets and wash them and towels and other similar items every Saturday. This really works for us and everyone knows exactly what to expect.

  11. First I have to make sure I have enough quarters. Then Im sorting the mound of clothes and making sure my bras are in their special bags. Then One load at a time i bring out into the hallway and into the laundry room (Luckily its only 4 apartments that share the one washer/dryer and 2 are unoccupied)

  12. I let my laundry soak for awhile to hopefully loosen any dirt. I hate lugging laundry up and down the stairs. I also have hangers downstairs which I hang things on them bring up two flights of stairs.

  13. I have three laundry hampers one for whites,lights and darks. It really helps when the children put their clothes in the right hampers.

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